Frequently Asked Questions

About your visit to our farm . . .


Where can I park?

Our farm is located behind our home, so you'll be pulling up in our driveway. There are two "Alpaca Lovers Parking" signs at the end of the driveway, but if those spots are taken, feel free to park anywhere on the driveway, just making sure not to block any other vehicles, or on the center lawn (weather permitting).



May I bring my own carrots for the alpacas?

We appreciate your thoughtfulness, but we'll probably accept them, and use them for later, because we want to make sure to cut them up in small slices, for safe eating. Also, we need to limit the number of carrots we feed the herd, as their bodies are not designed for excessive sugar.


Will I get spit on when I visit?

Although there is a possibility, most people don't experience it. When spitting happens, it's usually because the alpacas are fighting with each other over a carrot, but spacing out the 'pacas at the fence helps avoid this. If spit does fly, usually it's just bits of carrots, though. In the worst case scenario, we do have wipes handy! :)


May I bring my dog to the farm?

Because alpacas are naturally prey animals, dogs usually frighten them. We ask that if you bring your dog, please either leave it in the car or, if it's too warm, keep it on a leash (attended) in the front of our property, out of sight of the alpacas. 


I have a special group (such as Girl Scouts or 4H). May I bring them to visit the farm?

Yes, but if the total number of people exceeds our limit of 6, then you will need to book separate tours at different times. We are a small farm and can only accommodate small groups.


What about school classes? 

Because we are a small farm and can accommodate only groups up to 6 people, that unfortunately excludes almost all school classes.

About Alpacas . . .

Are alpacas related to llamas?

Yes, and both are in the camel family. Llamas are larger than alpacas, and they have banana-shaped ears.

How long do alpacas live? About 20 years.

What do they eat?

Mainly good, quality hay and grass, but our moms and crias (youngsters) also get a pellet supplement twice a day.


What do you do with them?

Alpacas have beautiful, extremely soft and warm fleece (fur) that can be made into luxurious hats, gloves, scarves, sweaters, and other clothing. You can feel the fleece and see examples of many different alpaca products in our shop.

How long do the moms carry their young?

Gestation is 11-11.5 months, and the crias are usually 12-20 lbs. at birth. Most birthing happens without human help.

What kind of sounds do they make? Mostly they make humming noises, when they are not entirely happy or anxious. They can also grunt like a pig, cluck (mom's call to her baby) and make a warning call that sounds a little like an elephant! You can hear it on the last video on the Fun Stuff page!

How often do you shear them?

Once a year, in the spring (so they are cooler in the summer)

What do they do in winter?

Alpacas actually prefer the cold to the hot summer. Their winter coats make them comfortable even in very cold weather. In fact, often they will even sleep outside in winter!

How much are they worth?

Alpacas can sell for around $500 for a pet-quality male all the way up to over $20,000 for a champion stud. An average breeding female sells for $3,000-$5,000. Most alpacas have pedigree papers, are registered with a national registry and are also microchipped.

Cooling off the 'pacas on a hot day
Cooling off the 'pacas on a hot day